Bruno, Gerbino, Soriano & Aitken, LLP
Attorneys at Law
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Choose BGSA
Because We Believe There’s A Better Way To Defend Your Risk.
At Bruno, Gerbino, Soriano & Aitken, LLP, we believe in being aggressive – aggressive in our approach, in our due diligence, in our scrutiny. We dig deeply into backgrounds, stories, credibility and any investigators’ reports. We are never satisfied with standard protocol and leave no stone unturned in defending your risk. We will not hesitate to conduct examinations under oath in nursing homes, claimants’ residences, prisons or anywhere else to get the job done.
We believe in being fearless, questioning everything, putting in the time and that hard work pays off. We bring our strong work ethic to every client we represent.
Peruse this “Why BGSA” website and quickly learn why we are your choice for defending your risk. Learn about our approach, our work, our team and our clients. Then, give us a call.
What We Do
Tort-based suit defense in premises liability, construction accidents and vehicular negligence.
Suspected property damage and personal injury fraud cases.
No-fault and uninsured as well as underinsured motorist claims.
Recovery actions against fraudulently incorporated healthcare providers.
Fraud protection strategies.
Conducting examinations under oath and establishing verification protocols.
Products liability defense inclusive of machinery and safety designs.
Warehouse accidents inclusive of workers comp defense.
Contract and policy interpretation inclusive of coverage and bad faith opinions.
Subrogation suits and Declaratory Judgment actions.
Asbestos subrogation and other property loss subrogation.
Supermarket slip and fall defense inclusive of fire suppression requirements and enforcement rights.
Some Of Our Clients

3 Steps To Learning More About BGSA

Visit the "Meet the Team" page to meet the talented team of attorneys that work hard for you.

Use the Contact page to take the next step and reach out to us. We look forward to discussing your needs.
We Believe In Relationships That Last.
At Bruno, Gerbino, Soriano & Aitken, LLP we know that relationships start with listening. We want to hear from you and learn how we can help you mitigate your risk. Please get in touch.
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(631) 390-0010